It was our first Christmas with Baby K and we were so excited, even though we know she will have no recollection of this Christmas. Hey doesn't mean we still couldn't party!

(I think my tree gave Charlie Brown's a run for his money)

(She doesn't look like a baby anymore...sniff....sniff)
P.S. Sorry the picture is blurry

He got a new beanie and thermal blanket from Santa

.....And to all a goodnight!
Love, The Betts Family
P.S.S.S.S.S You have to watch this video (it's a little gross, but REALLY funny). This is what happens when a bunch of adults (a.k.a my siblings & cousins) start daring people to do stupid things. It started off with a spoonful of powdered sugar, and ended with a spoonful of cinnamon (thanks Jared for making me pee my pants, I hope your throat feels better)
Love, The Betts Family
P.S.S.S.S.S You have to watch this video (it's a little gross, but REALLY funny). This is what happens when a bunch of adults (a.k.a my siblings & cousins) start daring people to do stupid things. It started off with a spoonful of powdered sugar, and ended with a spoonful of cinnamon (thanks Jared for making me pee my pants, I hope your throat feels better)