Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have been wanting to recover my dining room chairs for a long time now, and with the help of my very talented sister-in-law, I was able to do just that. I think they turned out pretty fabulous.



Next project: Finish decorating said dining room so I can post some pictures.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bullhead or Bust

This past weekend we had the opportunity to go to Bullhead to visit with Matt's Dad and his wife Sue. It was a quick trip, but we still had fun. It was Baby K's first real road trip, and she did suprisingly well. Thank goodness! Baby got to do lots of fun things, we were just along for the ride.

Throwing rocks into the Colorado River

Lots of playing

Proof that I was on this trip

She was barking at a dog in this picture

First taste of licorice

Just looking super cute!

Met a new friend Avery

Loved these dogs...these were the ones she was barking at

Slept for maybe 20 minutes in the car.....the entire trip!

Loved playing the out Beethoven!

Watched A LOT of Baby Einstein.

Celebrated her birthday (no pictures please!)

Went to Church Sunday morning before heading home. One last picture. K was really happy....can't you tell.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Pics

My very talented sister Tassi took our first official family photos while she was here for my sisters wedding. (It only took me a couple months to post them), but I L-O-V-E them!

The End
(P.S. Are those legs not to die for?)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Celebrate Good Times

Come On!
(Do I really have a one year old?)
We had a fun little party at the park. Baby K was in heaven, especially when it came to eating the cake.

The Birthday Girl

The Parental Units

She dug right in and never looked back

Thanks for everyone coming and making it such a fun day. Here's to another fun year!